Davor Ljubičić  

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O.T. (ora et labora), 2010, Holz, Nägel, Graphit-Honig, Metallkreuz (3,5 Kg), Bett mit Bettwäsche, Lampe, Textfahne und Videoperformance ca. 120 Min


Cautiously groping my way through the dark room, I looked for a hammer or some other object compatible with hammering. After some time searching blindly, my finger “caught sight of” a rectangular wooden form, and with this form in hand, I felt my way out of the dark storage room. Daylight revealed a cross carved out of hard wood. It seemed just the right thing for hammering a few nails into the wall to hang up the paper works of my students - it was hard enough, and it sat well in the hand.
I began.
A student froze in astonishment. That’s blasphemy, she said, and she went into the metal workshop to fetch me a more appropriate tool. I completed my task using a hammer instead.